UOM Conversion and Advanced Settings (Additional details, Bill of Materials and Re-order points).

In the product administration screen, you will notice two tabs :

  • UoM Conversion.
  • Advanced Settings.
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These functionalities are used for in conjunction with Non-Variable (Normal) products and are detailed below :UoM ConversionIn this tab, we cater for functionality that allows a single product, to be sold at diffirent Units of Measure with seperate prices for each unit of measure.This is done by making use of a multiply rate to correctly convert the single product to the desired unit of measure.To create a UoM conversion, select the UoM conversion tab and click the yellow Add button (+).The fields work as follows :

  • To UoM: The UoM that the base UoM (Defined in product details tab as above) should convert to.
  • Multiply Rate: The rate at which the new UoM is more than the base UoM.
  • UPC: If required, each UoM for a product can have its own barcode, this is entered here.
  • Dimensions (Weight, Volume, Thickness, Length, Breadth): If required, you can further detail each UoM for a product with dimension data.
  • Active: When checked, this UoM will be available for use in all transaction screens. Example of a UoM conversion scenario:
  1. A case of 6 water bottles is purchased and sold as loose.
  2. The loose water bottles are created on the system with a UoM of each.
  3. However, cases can be sold at a time as well.
  4. UoM conversion is selected on the single water bottle product.
  5. The To UoM is set as pack/case.
  6. The Multiply Rate is set to 6.
  7. UPC is defined if the pack itself has its own barcode different from the individual bottle.
  8. Dimensions if required are captured.
  9. By default, the UoM will be active for use.
  10. In the price tab, you will be able to set individual prices for each UoM.

Using the example above to elaborate, The system will provide a UoM selection facility at any transaction screen and apply the relevant price, However, by using the individual UPC barcodes to call up the item, the UoM assigned to that UPC barcode will be called up directly. If a pack is sold or purchased, the inventory will be affected by 6 units, and if a single is sold or purchased, the inventory will update by 1. PRESS SAVE in Advanced Settings. Advanced settings allow us to further detail information for the product as well as set a recipe for items that involve other items at the point of sale, this is known as the Bill of Materials (BOM). The Advanced Settings tab is separated mainly into two sections, to configure advanced settings, click the yellow Edit button:

  • Product Advanced Settings

This section allows you to keep a record of additional dimensions (Weight, Volume, Thickness, Length, Breadth) for each item. This is straight forward and after capturing, simply press save.Additionally, there is a checkbox labelled BOM, when checked, and additional panel expands labelled product components.

  • Product Components (BOM Setup)

A bill of materials setup allows a defined amount of items to “move” together at a transaction level.This is best explained by using an example:1. In the retail industry, it is common for hampers, or “combos” to be a part of a business2. Items that are usually sold individually at individual prices are usually grouped together to form a hamper or a “combo” which is sold t a collective price. This is not the same situation as a promotion and those are handled seperately. (See promotion section of this article)3. Certain situations that require assembly of individual items also make use of BOM in POSibolt; Furthermore BOM is used for manufacturing in an auto production scenario (See manufacturing)4. An example would be where a an Axle and wheel is sold together as a complete set, however, the components of the axle and wheel are sold individually as well.5. In this case, we make use of POSibolt BOM to create the Axle and Wheel item which makes use of individual inventory items6. To set up Simple BOMs (Hampers, combos, assembly) click the BOM checkbox in Product Advanced Settings :

  • BOM version: This is used for manufacturing ( See manufacturing ), when creating simple BOMs we can use 1 for the BOM version.
  • Valid From: This is used for manufacturing as well ( See manufacturing ),simply choose the current date.
  • Click the yellow add button and the product components will expand, these fields function as follows:
    • Product Name: The name of an existing item in POSibolt that is part of this combo item.
    • Description: The description is automatically populated based on the product name chosen.
    • Component Type: Here we have two options, mainly Standard Part or optional part.
    • Quantity: Enter the quantity of that should be consumed of the component when this “combo” item is sold.
    • Replace with Equivalent Commodity: When ticked, if the “combo” item has 0 in-stock, it will instead use this component as a replacement and not a “move-along-with” PRESS SAVE.
    • SAVEBOM: Once all the components have been added, click on SAVEBOM to save this “recipe”, note that this does not save the BOM configuration for this “combo” item and a further save has to be completed (see next point).
    • SAVE (Advanced Settings): At the bottom right of the Advanced setting screen, another save button is located, click this button to save all changes made in the Advanced settings tab.
  • Product PO Details

These details are to detail and control the product within POSibolt for easier ordering with your supplier (See purchases>Purchase Orders), they function as follows :

  • Vendor Name: You can assign a vendor created on POSibolt for a new item, however, this field is updated every time a (Recieve Goods – See Purchase > Recieve Goods) is done for this item.
  • Vendor Product Code: Capture the code that the vendor uses for easy ordering.
  • Manufacturer: Field for documenting the manufacturing firm.
  • Description: When creating an order, this description is used to clarify the product for the vendor.
  • Royalty Amount/ Royalty Percentage: Used when an item is brought into the business on a consignement basis to capture the royalty agreement.
  • Current Vendor: If this is checked, the vendor name does not update when the goods are purchased from a different vendor.
  • Min Order/Re-order Point: When the stock level reaches the Re-Order Point, the system will create an Order for this amount when the order is generated from the re-order report (See Product Management > Re-Order).
  • Valid From: The date that this item should be available from in all transaction screens.

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