Receiving Goods

Receive Goods is the screen we use to capture the invoices from suppliers for goods that have been received; there is an option to receive goods without generating an invoice issued to your store from the supplier as well.

  1. Navigate to Purchases > Receive Goods
  2. Select the Vendor from which the goods were received
  3. If any Purchase Orders were created for this vendor, they can be converted to a receive goods here. Click on the PO No drop-down on the RHS after selecting the vendor to view all open POs, click on the PO number to populate the cart with the order details and 0 quantity (The quantities for each item will need to be entered as they were received / as per the invoice supplied. A green colour indicates that the received quantity matches the ordered quantity where as a red colour indicates a mismatch
  4. Use the Service Charge button to capture any charges indicated on the invoice (Delivery etc.)
  5. If Free Items were received from the supplier, use the Free Items button to bring these items into your inventory without any costing information
  6. Select the correct payment mode, (Default payment mode for the vendor will load automatically)
  7. Click the Generate Invoice checkbox to create an invoice entry in the vendors ledger account for this Receive Goods, This will require you to enter the correct Total amount as an additional confirmation (The cart total must be equal to the total control amount)
  8. Click CHECKOUT to update your inventory and ledger account (IF Generate Invoice was selected)

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