Price List

A Price List is a collection of Item Prices either Selling, Buying, or both.

POSibolt lets you maintain multiple Selling and Buying Item Prices using Price Lists.

Price Lists can be used in scenarios where you have different prices for different customers like Retail, Wholesale and different currencies, etc.

In POSibolt, all the Item Prices are stored separately. Buying Price for an item is different from Selling Price and thus they are stored separately. A default sales price list and purchase price list will be created automatically when client creation with client name. 

To access a Price List you will need to

  1. Navigate to main menu
  2. Click on the Administration
  3. Click on the Price List

How to create a new Price list and assign to the product

  1. Click on the  button
  2. Enter the Price list name
  3. Choose the currency if applicable(Need to do currency conversion to get the currencies in dropdown) Please refer to the currency conversion document.
  4. Enter the Price List precision
  5. Choose the base price list (If applicable)
  6. Enter the markup percentage (You can markup this price list from Base price list) If applicable.
  7. Select type of pricelist (Purchase or Sale)
  8. Select Is active
  9. Select is default if you want to make the price list default.
  10. Enable present for product will display the price list in product administration screen.
  11. Enable price include tax will calculate the tax excluded amount from inclusive price.
  12. Enable Mandatory checkbox will force you to enter the price when creating a product.
  13. Click on the save button.

How to use a price list

  • Price Lists will be used when creating an Item Price to track selling or buying price of an item.
  • You can tag a separate Price List for specific customers and vendors.
  • To disable specific Price List, untick the ‘IsActive’ checkbox. Disabled Price List will not be available to set up for customers and vendors.
  • You can update the item price for new price list from the product administration page

Note: Please refer to the Product administration screen to know how to update prices in a price list.

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