Human Resources Management Module in POSibolt

The POSibolt ERP caters for advanced HR Management, although it requires effort and time to set up, once complete will truly allow your POSibolt to function as a true point of truth.

1. Employee Management and reporting #

Navigate to HR Management → Employee Management

Employee management is used to list, edit, add and search for employees in a company. Users can search for employees by ID, name, designation, department, or status.

Adding employees to Posibolt can be done by an admin or users with role configuration Allow Edit Document enabled. When an employee is added, a user is created for that employee to be able to log in.

Before creating an employee,these details must first be created/added to the system.

1.1 Employment Status #

Users will need to update the status of employees.This will be done when creating employee details. 

HR management → Employee Status.

Users can CREATE, SEARCH and EDIT the fields.

Search for all Employee Status by using the SEARCH tab. It lists out all Employee Status in all organizations. Either search by selecting a particular organization or all. Edit using the Edit Tab. To Create A New Employee Status, Click on Create New tab.

1.2 Employee Reports #

Users can get a report of total employees in all Departments by using various search criterias or a preferred search. Clicking on the total number of employees will display all the employee details with their ID, Name, Department and Designation.

Navigate to HR management → Employee Reports.

Select Report-Select the type of the report to generate. Two reports are available: Monthly reports and Other reports

Search By- For Monthly Reports the search by fields display:

  • Current Staff Strength – Displays the total strength of employees
  • Gender/Age report – Displays report with gender/age differences
  • New Joined Employees – Report for newly  joined employees
  • Resigned or Joined – Report for all the resigned or joined

    For Other Reports
  • Resignations
  • Addition/Joining
  • Attrition / Turnover

Group By– Group the search result based on the Department or Location.

Organization- Select the organization, for which you need to generate the report

Month- Select the month for which you wish to generate the report

Year– Select the year from the drop down.

1.3 Employee Category #

Employees can be categorized based on different categories..

To create a new category Navigate to HR management → Employee Category .

Users can CREATE, SEARCH and EDIT the fields.

Search for all Employee Categories by using the SEARCH tab. It lists out all Employee Categories in all organizations. Either search by selecting a particular organization or all. Edit using the Edit Tab. To Create A new Employee Category, Click on Create New tab.

2. Department #

On the Department screen, users can CREATE NEW departments for an organization. This will be available when creating a new employee.

Navigate to HR management → Department

Search for the existing departments. It lists all the departments in your organization. You can search by selecting a particular organization or by department name and edit any department. Click on the Create New tab to create a new department.

  • Organisation- If any specific organization is selected then this department will be visible to only that organization.
  • Department Name- Enter the name of the department.
  • Department Code- Enter the code for the new department.
  • Is Work Request In Charge– If checked, the department will be available for the Work Request Scenario.
  • Is Medical Department- Check this box if the Department you are creating is related to a Medical Field or else leave it unchecked.
  • Click on Save Tab

3. Designation #

When creating employee details, you can add a designation to an employee.

Navigate to HR Management → Designation.

Search tab lists all the designations in all organisations. Either search by selecting a particular organisation or by job name. Edit tab can be used to make changes if needed.

Create A New Designation

Click on the Create New Tab and Enter the following details.

  1. Organisation- Enter the organisation name. If you want to list all organisations, select * from the drop-down.
  2. Job Name– Enter the name of the designation to be created in the Job Name text box.
  3. Click on SAVE Button. A new designation will be created under the selected organization.

4. Academic Degree #

This part handles the graduation courses available. This will be available when creating employee details. The courses will be available from a drop-down list.

Navigate to HR Management → Academic Degree

Users can Create, Search and Edit the courses. To create new courses, click on Create New.

5. Area Of Specialization #

On this screen, users can save different fields of specialized knowledge that could add to an employees qualification.

From the main menu navigate to HR management → Area of Specialization ,

Users can CREATE, SEARCH and EDIT the fields.

Search for existing areas of specialization using the SEARCH tab. It lists out all the areas of specialization in all organizations. Either search by selecting a particular organization or by field of study. Edit using the Edit Tab. To Create A New Area Of Specialization, Click on Create New tab.

6. Disciplinary Action #

The disciplinary actions are part of your company policies.They  can be added using the Disciplinary Action Menu.

From the main menu navigate to HR management → Disciplinary Action.

Users can CREATE, SEARCH and EDIT the fields.

Search for Disciplinary Actions by using the SEARCH tab. It lists out all Disciplinary Actions in all organizations. Either search by selecting a particular organization or all. Edit using the Edit Tab. To Create A new Disciplinary Action, Click on Create New tab.

These values can be found from the drop down list on employee details page by clicking on the disciplinary tab.

7. Identity #

The proof of identity which an employee submits at the time of joining can be tracked. 

From the main menu navigate to HR management → Identity.

Users can CREATE, SEARCH and EDIT the fields.

Search for all Identity by using the SEARCH tab. It lists out all Identity in all organizations. Either search by selecting a particular organization or all. Edit using the Edit Tab. To Create A new Identity, Click on Create New tab.

8. Shift #

Users can add and manage the working shifts of employees. First, you will need to create the working shifts of the company, then schedule shifts for each employee.

Navigate to HR Management → Shift.

To create new shifts, click on the Add Shift tab. A pop up box will appear to enter the details.

8.1 Shift Scheduler #

To schedule a shift for employees or import a shift as a csv file to the system                                                           Navigate to HR management → Shift scheduler.

Search for the shift details for the employees using the Search Button. Narrow the search by using the filters such as employee name, Description, Month & Year, Location, Sub Location and Organization                                                

Users can export the shift details into a PDF or CSV file using the respective buttons.                                   

To import shift details of employees, Click on the IMPORT tab.

8.2 Assign New Shift #

To assign a new shift to an employee Click on Add New. an Assign Shift screen to enter the shift details of an employee.

  1. Select the organization and Location From the drop-down.     
  2. Enter the Employee Name.
  3. Select the Shift.
  4. The timings for the selected shift will be shown in the Shift Timing field.
  5. Select the Dates from the calendar.
  6. Click on Assign.

Click on Save to save the details.

A  New shift will be assigned for employees and it will be available in the shift scheduler screen when searched.


Navigate to HR Management → Attendance Management, to view the attendance details of the employees.

The attendance of the employees are imported into the system. After preparing the csv file, do the following.

  • Click on the Import Tab.
  • A pop-up box asking for a CSV file will be displayed. Upload the file and click on OK.
  • If all headers have been correctly inserted, the attendance of the employees will successfully be uploaded into the system.
  • To Search, the attendance details of an employee Click on Search.
  • Narrow down the search by using the filters Employee ID, Employee Name, Department, etc.
  • To Edit the details of each employee, click on the EDIT button.


There are many types of leave or time off from work which may be entitled. These include public holidays, sick leave, maternity leave, casual leave etc… These types must first be added.

HR Management → LEAVE TYPE

To create a new leave type, click on CREATE NEW button, a new screen will open, enter the details for a new leave type.

  • Leave Code– Code for the new leave type.                                                                                  
  • Employee Category- The employee category for which the leave type is applicable.                         
  • Leave Type– Name for new leave type.                                                                                       
  • Number of leaves– The maximum number of leaves available in this leave type.           
  • Max Leave Allowed- Number of leaves an employee can apply for. 
  • Lapse Cycle– The period in which the number of leaves can be lapsed.                   
  • Accrue Cycle- The period by which the number of leaves get accrued.                
  • Eligible for half day- If allowed, this leave type can also be taken as a half day            
  • Is Compensatory- If allowed, this leave type will become a compensatory work request for all categories in an organization. Only one leave type can be set as compensatory for all categories.       
  • Is Remuneratory– When an employee’s compensatory work request becomes approved a leave balance will be added to the leave type which is set as remuneratory. Only one leave type can be set as remuneratory for a Category


11.1 Leave Rule #

Leaves are governed by a set of rules. These rules are applicable to the employee category. When an employee requests a leave, and should it qualify,the request will be saved and forwarded. If the request violates the rule, the request will not get submitted.

HR Management → LEAVE RULE.

Click on ADD LEAVE RULE, a new pop up screen will appear. Here you can enter the details of the leave rule for an employee category.

  • Rule Description- Name of the description.                     
  • Employee Category- The employee category to which the leave type is applicable.        
  • Config Leave Combination- You can set a rule for the occurrence of two leave types.
  • Leave Type 1 (click the checkbox to indicate 1/2 day)- Select the leave type for the combination.
  • Combination-Occurrence- Select the occurrence of the combination of leaves, for example after, before, in between, etc.
  • Leave Type 2 (click the checkbox to indicate 1/2 day)- Select the second type of leave in the combination.
  • Disallow- If you do not want this rule to be applied, click on disallow.

The check box next to the Leave Type 1 & 2 drop down indicates the half day. Checking this means the rule is applicable for half days of the selected leave type.


Before requesting a leave, employees should have their Leave balances updated. Leave balance can be updated by importing a csv file or by clicking on Add Leave Balance.

To add Leave Balances, Importing a csv file could be a lot easier to import leave balances for all employees in a department. On the bottom left of the page, is the Leave balance template. Save the details as a csv file and click on the import button. Updating Leave Balance for a single employee by clicking on ADD LEAVE BALANCE.

  1. Enter the Employee Name.
  2. The leave types which are entitled to the employee category will be displayed. Select the leave type and click to enter the leave balance.
  3. Enter the Remarks for the leave by clicking on it.
  4. Click on SAVE

The main page will list out the employee names and their leave details like Leave balance and Leave taken. When you click on SEARCH, a table will have the details of all employees of all departments. Users can also view the report by department wise or by entering employee name or code.

Leave type is created based on the Employee category. Only employees in those categories are permissible to apply for leave.

11.3 Leave Request #

Before taking leave, all employees have to submit their leave requests.The Leave Request main screen is where the Leaves of employees are listed when submitting a leave request.

On the main screen users have text fields and dropdowns like Organization, Employee Name, Leave Request Status & Leave Type filter details easily. By Clicking on the Search tab without using any of these fields will display all Leave Requests created from every organization by every employee of all types with all statuses.This can be configured in Role Configuration. 

Display All Work Request: If enabled, the users under this role can view all Leave Requests logged by every employee from every department.

Display All Work Requests of the Department: If enabled,the users under this role can view all Leave Requests logged by every employee from every department.

Allow Employee Name Suggestion Box: If enabled, the employee name field will be enabled for users under this role. They can enter any employee name and can log a Leave Request on behalf of that employee. If this feature is disabled,the log in employee’s name will be displayed in the Employee name field and this field will be disabled for entering text.

If the 1st two features are disabled for a role, the user for this role will only be able to view the Leave Requests logged by them.

11.4 Submitting A New Request #

Click on NEW REQUEST,a screen for entering the details of leave will appear.

  • Select the organization and employee name. If configured, in Role Configuration, “Allow Employee Name Suggestion Box” checked, the employee name will be displayed in the respective field and the field will be disabled.
  •  To know the available leave balance for an employee, click on ‘View Current Balance’ A pop up box with all available Leave Type for that employee and its current balance will appear.
  • Select the Leave Type from the drop down which that employee’s category has.
  • Select the Leave session from drop down. Three sessions are available: first half, second half and full day.
  • Mark the day in the calendar for applying leave.

If leave is being requested for two sessions at a time, it should be applied separately before submitting.

  • Select the session → first half – select the day – apply
  • Select the session → second half – select the day – apply
  • Select the session → full day – select the day – apply
  • The ‘number of days’ will get automatically updated.

On the Calendar, marked days will be highlighted in blue along with the leave type code and the session chosen for the day.

Remarks are mandatory. If any attachments are necessary, click ADD ATTACHMENT tab.


  • The request will get logged on the list. The status of the request will be in Awaiting Approval.(Only if it has been configured as an Approval Chain for the document type HR Leave).
  • Once we logged a request, the Approver will get a notification and a mail to his/her email address.
  • Approver can approve, reject or forward the document.
  • After the document gets approved, the status of the leave request will change to ‘Approved’.
  • Once the approval gets completed, the number of leaves will get deducted from the leave balance .

11.5 Employee Leave Report #

Navigate to HR Management → OTHER Reports

  • Select ‘Employee Leave Report’ from the reports drop down.
  • By Clicking on the Search tab will display the Leave report according to the selection made.
  • Clicking on the number of Leave Taken by an employee will direct to that employee’s Leave taken details. The tabular will contain Leave type, Number of Leaves, Date From & Date To. These details can be exported to .csv .rtf and .pdf formats .

12. Termination Request #

When an employee requests a termination , the responsible users will get notified about it. This will help the users to act accordingly

Navigate to HR Management →Termination Request.

  • Search termination request by using the SEARCH tab. For getting a specific termination request, filter it by using Request category, Employee name or status. 
  • Clicking on VIEW DETAILS shows the details about the approver name, Status, Result and comments by the approver of a termination request.
  • For a new request, Click on CREATE NEW. Users can enter details here.
  • Save using SAVE Button. Once an employee saves the request , it will be listed as status DRAFTED and a notification will be sent to the responsible users.
  • When the responsible user logs in, they will  get a notification of the termination request.
  • Users can select the result from the drop down and enter comments in the respective field. 
  • Click on the SAVE tab, this will complete the termination request.

If the chosen Request category has more than one request type, then the status of the request will be as drafted until all responsible users complete the request.

12.1 Request Type #

Users can create types of termination requests for employees.

For Request type navigate to HR Management → Request Type.

Search for existing request types using SEARCH tab, Search for specific request types by using a particular organization or using the request type drop down. To make any changes for existing request types, edit them by  using the EDIT tab. 

To create a new request type, Click on CREATE NEW tab.

  • Name- Enter the name of Request Type.
  • Description- Enter the description for Request type.
  • Responsible User- Enter the name/Id of Responsible user( For eg. Head of the department or any Responsible person). When an employee is applying for this termination request type, the responsible user will get a notification.The user can then complete the request with corresponding status and comments.
  • Organization– The Users responsible for Request types may differ from organization to organization. If the Responsible User of a request type is same for all organization then you may choose *.
  • Status Category– Status category allows users to define the status and corresponding transitions rules.

12.2 Request Category #

Navigate to HR Management → Request Category.

All existing categories with descriptions will be listed. Edit using the EDIT tab, To create a new Request category, click on ADD REQUEST CATEGORY. 

  • Request Category Name- Enter the name.
  • Description- Enter the description.
  • Select the request types from the list you want from under this request category.

When an employee is choosing this request category in termination request, all responsible users of request types under this category will get notifications for approval.

Click the SAVE tab. It will be added to the Request Category list.

13. Training #

If a company is conducting any courses or workshops, this can be added in Training Management. Invitations can be sent to employees to attend the training. Attendance can be monitored as well.

To add a new category Navigate to HR Management →ADD Training Category.

14. Training (Sessions) #

Users will be able to create a course name and assign the training to a particular department. Only employees in that department can attend the course.

 Navigate to HR MANAGEMENT → Training

All existing training with details will be listed. Edit, using the EDIT tab to make any changes to the training details. To add a new training, click in the ADD TRAINING Tab.

  • Choose the department to which training is conducted.
  • Choose the category name.
  • Set the frequency of the training
    • Yearly
    • Quarterly
    • Monthly
    • Weekly
  • Duration to be entered in hours (total hours for the training).
  • Enabling Mandatory– the training must be attended by all.

After assigning training to a department, it needs to be approved. After approval it will be listed under the Training Management Screen.

15. Training Management #

On this page you can search for all training details such as frequency, start and end date, status, faculty name .Click on the EDIT tab to make changes to the training details.

The training status, as highlighted in the above fig, can be changed. Status can be changed to

  • Scheduled
  • Postponed
  • Completed

These status will allow you to add the employees’ attendance. You can enter the Faculty name, Start and end date of the training.

Adding Employees

  • The Add Employee tab will display a pop-up box where you can manually add employees.
  • The Upload employee tab helps to import the CSV list of employees to the system.
  • The Upload tab in the Action column for each employee is to Import their feedback of the training.

Feedback On The Training: Users can give feedback on completed training.

Training Report : The training report will generate the details of the employees who have attended the training and who have not. 

16. Job Opening #

Job opening is a job vacancy. If an organization wants to hire somebody for a new post, replace any employee or for a vacancy in an old post. 

Navigate to HR management → Job Opening

By clicking on the Search tab, all existing openings with details and status as Open or Closed. Candidates can only apply for an open job. Click on the Edit tab, make any changes .

To create a new job opening, Click on CREATE NEW. 

  • Enter the details of Job and requirements and Save.
  • Add attachments if any, using the ATTACHMENTS tab

17. Recruitment Management #

Recruitment management is the process of recruiting and selecting employees. It includes activities like placing jobs to find people, reviewing application forms, and scheduling interviews

Navigate to HR management → Recruitment management

On the main screen, users can search for recruitment details and add a new one.

By clicking on the Search tab, recruitment details for all job openings will be populated

To create a new recruitment, Click on Create New

Users can enter the candidate details, interview details and experience details of the candidate. Enter the details and Save. Details will be added to the recruitment list.

To enter the interview details and experience details

Click on Interview details, and Experience details. Enter the details and Click on Save. 

When a candidate gets selected as an Employee, the Candidate’s ID will automatically be updated.

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