Customer Shipment

Customer is a method of delivering goods from the store to the customer directly.

This is the process of despatching the goods.This is used when a customer places an order and does not take the goods immediately and requests a delivery or picks up at a later stage.


In order to use this functionality, delayed delivery needs to be enabled.Refer to document on role configurations

Where does one find Customer Shipment?

In the Main menu, click on Stock

Navigate to Customer shipment

How to do a customer shipment

Once you have clicked on the customer shipment button you will be directed to this screen shown below.

This is where you need to enter the order number on the document generated from the sales order in the order number field and hit enter.

The items belonging to this order will appear on the screen as shown above along with the customer details populated on the right hand side.

You can select what you are despatching by using the tick boxes at the end of each line.Allow partial shipment needs to be enabled for partial shipment.Refer to document on role configuration

Once you have selected the items click on complete.

After clicking on complete this page will appear showing you all details pertaining to this shipment.

By clicking on print you will get a delivery note .

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