Uploads Relating to this document using CSV files.

Manually creating items can be tedious, especially when you’re migrating systems and already have a well-structured stock file in place; POSibolt lightens this load by allowing uploads via csv into the program.Uploads are also available for most processes involved in POSibolt.This article will step you through uploading files related to various inventory modules.

**It is strongly advised to read the articles pertaining to these sections prior to attempting .csv uploads.**

5.1 Product CSV Upload #

Download the following template found here:


Alternatively, you can navigate to Administration > Import/Export

Select Product from the drop-down and click on the blue PRODUCT TEMPLATE button.

The template contains headers for all the fields available for product administration as detailed in the Product Administration section , However, a few fields functions are explained below specifically for making use of the product upload functionality:

  • Purchase Price: This needs to be captured excluding of vat when doing an upload.
  • Standard Price: This needs to be captured Inclusive of vat when doing an upload.
  • Attribute Set: This is the set created, see:
    • tags:L:List:
      • This column is to define the attribute for each line.
      • This header needs to be ammended as follows:
      • tags: – This remains the same.
      • L: if the attribute is a list.
      • N: if the attribute is using the number format.
      • S: If the attribute is using the string format
    • List – This changes to the attribute name given when creating the attribute
    • An example of this header would look like:
      • tags:L:COLOUR or tags:L:SIZE
  • This column is then populated by the actual attribute, such as RED,GREEN,S,M,LARGE etcAttributes can only upload one attribute set at a time, for each new set, a new csv file needs to be used and the header amended accordingly.
  • IsBaseProduct: When adding the base product line details, this column uses Y or N to identify this line as a base product. use Y for base product lines.Products that are not base products do not require any data in this column.
  • BaseProductName: For each line that is a variation or belonging to a base product (Contains the colour or size etc), specify the base product name in this colomn to correctly assign this variation to the correct base.Sample data is added to the attached template for easy referral, each field also has a brief description of what should be populated.

5.2 Product Image Uploads #


  • The name of an the image must have a corresponding name, sku or barcode in POSibolt e.g 3450800003242.jpg where 3450800003242 is the value of the UPC field in POSibolt for an item.
  • The file containing all the imges for upload should be zipped.
  1. Navigate to Adminsitration > Product Information
  2. Select the Image Upload Icon
  3. Select the naming format of your images (Name , SKU, Barcode)
  4. Upload the .zip file using the upload button
  5. click Import
  6. If there are any errors, these items will not upload and will be shown to you

5.3 Stock Take CSV Upload #

You can import your stock counts using CSV, in the stock take (Physical Inventory) screen (See Stock Take (Physically Taking Inventory) section, click on the CSV button.After clicking on CSV the three buttons below will be available:

  • Click on add csv and a pop up will appear like the one below indicating how your excel file should be structured. Please note that the file has to be saved in .csv(comm delimmeted) format.
  • Note that Barcode , quantity and Uom is always mandatory; Alternatively, barcode can be replaced with the product Name*.
  • If you use serial numbers, lot numbers, expiry dates and/or locators then these need to be populated as well.
  • Once file has been completed, navigate back to the add csv menu and select Choose File.
  • Select the file from the PC and click IMPORT.

    Once complete it will appear on the stock take screen ,you can change the sheet name if you need to and click on save.

This concludes the stock take csv upload.

5.4 Stock Transfer CSV Upload #

You can also import your stock take from an excel spreadsheet or txt sheet by clicking on csv at the bottom left corner. After clicking on CSV it will bring up these 2 buttons shown below.

Click on add csv and a pop up will appear like the one below giving you an indication of what your excel or txt template should consist of.

Please note that Barcode , quantity  is compulsory or Name , quantity is compulsory in your template. 

If you use serial numbers or lot numbers , expiry dates or locators then these need to be added to your template.

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